Monadic predicate logic theoremhood checker

Monadic predicate logic (with identity) is decidable (Boolos, Burgess, and Jeffrey 2007, Ch. 21. The result goes back to Löwenheim-Skolem 1915).

This website lets you check whether a formula is a theorem. If it's not a theorem, you will be shown a counter-example.

Add symbols:
Propositional logic sentence letters such as P are not currently supported. Only predicate logic sentence letters with a variable, such as Px, are supported.
Example formulae:
@x(Ax > (Ax*Bx))
!x(Ax*Bx) > @x(Ax+Bx)
You can add logical symbols by clicking the buttons above, or by using this correspondence:
Logical symbol   Keyboard character
¬ -
    formula with added parentheses: (!x((Ax)*(Bx)))>(@x((Ax)+(Bx)))
Tree representation of your formula:

├── ∃
│ ├── x
│ └── ∧
│     ├── A
│     │ └── x
│     └── B
│         └── x
└── ∀
    ├── x
    └── ∨
        ├── A
        │ └── x
        └── B
            └── x
Theoremhood: false
    B: true
    A: true
    B: false
    A: false

By Tom Adamczewski. Code on GitHub.
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